5 Benefits of Compliance Form Management

5 Benefits of Compliance Form Management

Hundreds of hours are spent weekly filling out compliance forms to ensure that every business decision, from ordered materials to customer interactions, fits compliance regulations.

Unfortunately, while compliance forms are more prevalent than ever, the time spent navigating the regulations and filling out forms has not gotten any easier. If your business is struggling to keep up, compliance form management software offers a unique solution.

This type of maintenance software is designed to simplify the process, ensuring your service staff are updated with the latest regulations and forms are submitted promptly. Below are 5 benefits of compliance form management software and how you can incorporate Joblogic to streamline your operations:

1. Increases Efficiency and Saves Time

Graphic of someone filling out a mobile form on a tablet

Have you ever sat down to calculate how much money you forfeit when your team fills out industry compliance forms?

Instead of doing what they do best, they are hunched over their car seats, scribbling information that would need to be rechecked by their accountant or admin manager. It goes without saying repeating this process is time-consuming and inefficient.

Compliance form management software helps your team submit accurate information in less time to the correct department instantly. As employees fill in and submit forms from a single platform, communicating and coordinating with other team members is simplified. Going paperless can also save money on work time that would have been wasted filling up paper forms. Although the cost of paperwork and printers may appear minuscule compared to other company costs, it can certainly add up over time.

Here at Joblogic, our job management software can be integrated into your system, providing your business with the following benefits:

  • A central platform for communicating and managing industrial compliance data
  • Custom workflows to help ensure all forms are submitted in the correct order
  • Permanent, searchable records of all submissions

2. Replace Manual Processes with Automated Job Software

The limitations of paper forms and manual operations are significant and perhaps only suited for those who stray away from technology. Manual processes such as filing, archiving and retrieving paper forms are time-consuming and create the opportunity for human error.

Our form management software can automate these processes, allowing engineers to retrieve the correct forms in an instant. Furthemore, mobile forms can help to minimise errors as employees fill them out.

One unique advantage it provides is enhanced data input speeds when filling out forms on a mobile or tablet. With this kind of interface, you’ll be able to type in all your information more quickly than through handwriting – which means less waiting for your customers! If you’re looking for automated software for your field service organisation, our compliance software can assist by:

  • Enabling engineers to manage their own data and documents
  • Providing the ability to handle large volumes of information in a centralised database
  • Allowing service technicians access on the go through their mobile device or tablet

Engineer using a mobile phone

3. Health & Safety Compliance Made Easy

Health & Safety regulations are undeniably important, but they can be frustrating for businesses due to their repetitive nature. Nowadays, there’s no telling which rule you are violating, as new ones pop up every so often.

Among the advantages of using eforms in the field services industry is the availability of pre-installed forms, which saves the time and effort of having to create them from scratch.

Joblogic form management software offers new and pre-installed forms that can be uploaded to your system and sent to your engineers. Risk assessment workflows for engineers can be accessed on a tablet or smartphone, even before arriving on-site. Engineers having immediate access to compliance software allows completed forms to be sent to your health & safety compliance officer immediately after. The whole process is faster and eliminates the need for them to drop by the office to submit their forms.

Electronic forms software is also designed to keep up with the different requirements that your business will face, such as new regulations and laws. Automating the industrial compliance process can identify any regulatory changes that could financially implicate your business, saving you from adverse effects.

In addition to health and safety forms, Joblogic can also provide:

  • OFTEC Certificates
  • BAFE forms
  • FGAS
  • Air conditioning service sheets

4.Customise Forms to Fit Your Business Needs

A section of a mobile form

A section of a mobile form.

Now, we know your company didn’t get to where it is today by following the herd. You have your own unique practices and forms to follow, so why should you be stuck with paper forms that don’t consider these differences?

While some companies adhere to the bare minimum regarding industry compliance, others require a more complex set of forms. Joblogic’s compliance form management software lets you customise forms to fit your business, no matter how unique the requirements are.

Our form builder software offers you the following advantages:

  • Provides a drag & drop interface that’s user-friendly
  • Lets you customise the design of each form to match your brand identity
  • Publish your paperless documents to Android and iOS devices

5. Helps Your Service Business Become Trustworthy Among Consumers

A company that plays by the book protects their business from legal risks, which in turn boosts its market credibility. In today’s digitally savvy world, consumers have immediate access to information surrounding a company’s work practices. As a result, companies need to be aware of current legislation and industry regulations to maintain credibility and trustworthiness.

A service company that people trust can successfully secure new clients, receiving long-term contracts based on a good reputation. On the other hand, companies that don’t comply with the law or continually violate industry standards risk their reputation, leading to significant financial consequences i.e. heavy fines and even potential imprisonment.

With our compliance form management software, you can enhance the profile and image of your organisation. Below are three ways Joblogic software can help:

  • Includes Covid-19 compliance forms and other health & environmental regulation online documents
  • Automates the generation of reports so your company can view compliance performance
  • Offers pre-installed templates you can customise to suit your needs

While the compliance process can seem laborious, there are many benefits to using electronic forms. With Joblogic’s easy-to-use software, you have a centralised database accessible on the field which can connect your engineers to their back office. Completing health & safety and other industry compliance forms becomes faster because your staff will no longer need to come into the office for paperwork submission. Instead, they can send their information from their mobile device straight from the service site.



If your field service business struggles to keep up with the fast-paced, changing world of compliance regulations, it’s time to consider Joblogic. By simplifying the process, we guarantee that your staff will have more time to do their actual jobs, thus making your company more profitable and your balance sheet more enviable.

Book a demo or sign up for a free trial today to find out more and explore how Joblogic could help transform your business.

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