New to Joblogic Web: Planned Preventative Maintenance
1. Setting up PPM Contracts
You are now able to create and manage PPM schedule contracts with Joblogic Web. Pre-programming visits to an asset or assigning a specific task to a site has never been easier.
Whether you are doing an annual boiler service or weekly grounds maintenance, it is possible to add these items — along with the work required of an engineer to complete the job — to each individual visit. Our PPM module allows you to set both due dates and the frequency of visits (i.e. annual, monthly, quarterly etc.). The approximated duration for each task will be automatically uploaded from our customisable library of service types to assist you with job scheduling.
Learn more about our planned maintenance software.
PPM Visits Screen:
Each contract is set up with a start and end date, and the progress of the contract is tracked in the All PPM Contracts overview screen. Reports can be generated to view contracts that are due for renewal.
PPM Contracts Screen:
Associated costs for each job will be recorded — based on the items uploaded from the engineer’s app showing labour, overtime, travel, mileage, material and expenses — to give an overall contract cost. This makes it easier to analyse the contract’s profitability.
Service sheets for all tasks completed during the contract period can be browsed as attachments generated by the mobile app. This removes any worry that documentation on this PPM contract will ever be lost.
2. Contract Invoicing
Contract invoices can be added, configured automatically and sent to customers on given dates. If required, you can create multiple invoices to be sent on a given date for differing amounts.
Analyse contract performance by reporting on PPM visit costs, contract invoices and overall profitability of a site, including any reactive jobs.
3. Scheduling Jobs
PPM jobs can be viewed separately to reactive jobs in the scheduler via filters or colour coding. This assists the back office when planning their engineers’ schedules. If there are upcoming PPM jobs at a site which has just requested a reactive job, then the two sets of work can be combined, resulting in fewer trips and improved efficiency.
Benefits to You:
- Keep track of all upcoming jobs within the scheduler so that engineers can be organised efficiently.
- Remove the hassle of planning each individual contract, as visits can be preset and then cloned. For example, if there were to be monthly visits to a site over the course of a year to complete the same job, then the back office staff would only need to programme it once and all 12 visits would be scheduled.
- You can view invoices and costs for PPM contracts, making it easy to analyse profitability and enabling you to make informed decisions on contract renewals.
- Ensure that a visit is never missed and contracts are always fulfilled.
- Operations can be completed with greater efficiency, as you can attend a site for a reactive job and complete an upcoming PPM task.
- One record stores all your data, leading to easier access to documents and eliminating the possibility of lost records.
- All maintenance service sheets are stored with the contract, allowing for the centralisation of information. Therefore, any specific data can be found easily.