Gas Safety Week 2017 – What Is It All About?

Gas Safety Week 2017 – What Is It All About?

The first-ever Gas Safety Week campaign was launched in 2011, where supporters could see just some of the ways that Gas Safety Register helped them with keeping their homes safe. Since then, over 2,400 supporters each year including members of parliament and businesses like British Gas have taken part in awareness activities, ranging from social media campaigns to visiting some of the top gas safety exhibitions.

At Joblogic, we are great supporters of Gas engineer app and we have many valuable customers who are part of this important registering body. So, to kick this week off, we would love to introduce you to Gas Safe Register and what they stand for to promote gas safety to all our customers.

What Is Gas Safe Register?

Gas Safety Register holds the UK’s official list of approved gas businesses and engineers who can safely and legally work on the boiler, cookers, fires and any other gas appliances. By law, all gas engineers must be on the Gas Safe Register before they can carry out any work on gas-powered appliances. Engineers and businesses alike all must pass a compliance test to become Gas Safe Registered, so unlike other membership bodies or associations, the individuals who hold a licenses/registration are appropriately qualified and gas safety competent. Since 2009, Gas Safe Register replaced CORGI as the gas registration body, and have so far helped keep the country safe and clued up about just some of the potential dangers that unsafe gas appliances can cause.

Gas Safe Register can be easily identified by the Yellow Trust Triangle, and have recently launched a campaign entitled Trust the Triangle where they encouraged homes and businesses to always look for the Gas Registered icon, and official number when employing a technician to work on their gas appliances.

Gas safety week's mascot, Doug, holding his gas safety register license

What Is Gas Safe Register Responsible For?

Gas Safe Register is not only responsible for governing gas registered businesses and engineers, but they also carry out many other tasks in keeping the nation gas safe, such as:

  •         Monitoring and inspecting reports of unsafe gas work
  •         Educating young people, families and businesses in gas safety awareness
  •         Track down and investigate illegal gas workers
  •         Regular inspections and training of Gas Safe registered engineers.

Alongside these tasks, Gas Safe Register runs a charity to help raise gas safety awareness in the UK, and to provide crisis funds to those in need after being affected by faulty gas appliances. Additionally, Gas Safe Register run workshops with schools to teach young people about the risks of gas in the home, and how to keep their families and themselves safe.

The Importance of Gas Safety Week

Apart from its nationwide campaign, Gas Safety Week spreads the profound message of Gas Safety for all in a fun and accessible way. Through this, we can see how we can keep our families safe, and our future bright. We look forward to sharing with you some facts we have found alongside the Gas Safe Register, and hope that these tips and tricks prevent devastating accidents once and for all.

At Joblogic, we doing everything we can to aid gas safety workers in the field. Our all-in-one management system has been designed to give gas engineers access to digital applications and workflows to ensure full industry compliance in the field. Learn more about gas engineer software.

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