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Stock Control Software


Stock management software for the building maintenance industry.

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Building maintenance contractors typically hold stock in their warehouse and engineers’ vehicles. Some materials get ordered directly to jobs whilst other items that get used regularly are ordered into stock and distributed to jobs from there. Keeping track of inventory when each engineer’s van is effectively a stock location can be challenging. This makes it difficult to know exactly which items are in stock. Inaccurate data can lead to both over and under ordering of materials. It also causes inaccuracies with job costing as items used from the engineer’s van do not always get recorded as a cost to the business. Joblogic’s stock management software solves these problems.


View warehouse stock levels with Joblogic

Warehouse Stock

Joblogic stock control software enables you to have a central stores/warehouse location. For larger companies with multiple branches, you can create as many locations as needed. Each location can store a list of records held in stock, and able to record the minimum hold quantity for each record. Stock can be easily transferred between locations to get the stock to where it needs to be. Each location is audited to keep track of stock movements.

View van stock with Joblogic

Van Stock

Each of your fleet vehicles can also be created as a stock location with quantity and minimum holding quantity with min, max and reorder levels for van stock items. Stock items can be transferred between locations or used on a job. Using the Joblogic Mobile App, engineers can select used parts from their van and Joblogic will auto-deduct the items from stock, updating the records within your stock management software.

Ad stock purchase order to jobs

Replenishing Stock

Each stock record displays the total amount in stock along with a minimum holding amount. It's easy to raise purchase orders to suppliers for items required in stock.

For those items in stock, it is quick and easy to consume those items on jobs either through the back office or through the engineer’s stock control app.

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